Friday, September 2, 2011

Entremet - A Better Understanding

An Entremet (or entremets from Old French, literally meaning "between servings") is in modern French Cuisine a small dish served between courses or simply a dessert. Originally it was an elaborate form of entertainment dish common among the nobility and upper middle class in Western Europe during the later part of the Middle Ages and the early Modern Period. An Entremet marked the end of a serving of courses and could be anything from a simple frumenty (a type of wheat porridge) that was brightly colored and flavored with exotic and expensive spices to elaborate models of castles complete with wine fountains, musicians, and food modeled into allegorical scenes.

Within the pastry world, an Entremet is typically a multi-layered mousse-based cake comprising of different complementary flavors with varying textural contrasts. A well executed Entremet should adhere to the basic principles of visual appeal, textural contrast, and, of course, taste. The classic preparation of an Entremet (what we also might think of as a "Fancy Cake" or a muti-layered Torte or Gateaux) or Entremet Glace (frozen cake) should be one of those fundamental skills required of any pastry chef.

At the Platt College - Pastry Arts Program every student must take PA-106 (Tortes & Gateaux) a course designed to explore classical Entremet.  Students begin the first 6 days of the 12 day course with the basic mixing methods of various cakes (single stage, high-ratio, creamed, chiffon, angel food, genoise, sponge, etc.) The students then practice baking, filling, icing, garnishing and serving each of the styles of cakes mentioned. Then, after a section on Ice Cream & Frozen Desserts and Petit Fours, the students use what they have learned so far in the course (in addition to what they have learned in PA-105 Classical Pastry) to create Entremet (pictures below). After presenting their work, they are ready for their Final Examination, a Grand Buffet of cakes chosen for them to complete ..... that will the subject of another blog!

Mandarin orange chocolate mousse with raspberry gelee and espresso bavarian cream

Fresh strawberry torte with almond genoise and vanilla bean bavarian cream

Flourless chocolate mousse torte with hazelnut dacquoise and caramel

"Banana Split" entremet glace

Slice of "Banana Split" cake with fresh berries and strawberry compote Since 1979, Platt College exists with one purpose; to create a workforce of professionals with the skills and training necessary to answer the needs of today's and tomorrow's workplace. The college is located in Tulsa, Moore, Lawton, Central and North Oklahoma City as well as in Dallas, Texas. For more information call 405-946-7799, or visit

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